
New Quiz Page


There are seven fields on this page which are as follows.

  1. Quiz Name: This is name/title of the quiz.
  2. Description: This is where you should add some description about the quiz. It can guide the attempter what this quiz is about and what should be in the quiz. You can also include some notes about this quiz here.
  3. Question Type: There are two options for Quiz Type
    1. Text Quiz: Create a quiz where question and options only contain text.
    2. Image Quiz: Create a quiz where options are Images.
  4. Should this Quiz be taken in a timely manner?: This is checked by default which means that the quiz will have a defined time period in which it can be attempted. If unchecked, Quiz will show Allowed Time as disabled.
  5. Hours: Hours part of time duration. If Allowed Time is disabled, this field will be ignored and hidden.
  6. Minutes: Minutes part of time duration. If Allowed Time is disabled, this field will be ignored and hidden.
  7. Do you want to enable each Question Timer?: This is unchecked by default. If Quiz Timer is enabled and user also checkmark it, then the allowed quiz time will be divided on number of questions and each question will only be allowed to answer in that time duration. A question timer will also appear above each question when attempting the question. If Allowed Time is disabled, this field will be ignored and hidden.

When adding time duration you should know that the maximum allowed time duration is 23 Hours 59 Minutes. Let’s also see a few examples of how to enter time duration.

  • 30 Minutes: 0 Hours 30 Minutes
  • 1 Hour: 1 Hour 0 Minutes
  • 1 and half hour: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Once you provide valid inputs in the above field and click on Save Quiz and Starting Adding Questions button, it will take you to Add Question Page.

There is also a direct link to see all quizzes in the tab header.



New Quiz Page